Keep MOOCing ! ##lots of useful links##

I want to share somethings else rather than being satisfy with a long and  tasteless experience about MOOC.

What MOOC changes me?
the way I learn, the way I think
Such as writing a blog about MOOC, as before, maybe I will write something interesting experience  such as  what exact content I have learn. But I got of thinking mode —keep digging out the knowledge.
what is MOOC? Is MOOC just future learn? Who or which team establish it? Why could it be successful? if regard MOOC as product, what is its characteristic? What is  MOOC(future learn) difference from other online course program?
searching about MOOC
about future learning it, when and how does it establish ? (history/reason)
2.official website what does it look like?(product)
3.quora what does people think about it?(reflection/comments)
4.comparing compare with other similar website (characteristic/Competitiveness)
official website:
official website:
official website:
Not only I could get the knowledge from future learn, but also incentive my passion in studying.

7 thoughts on “Keep MOOCing ! ##lots of useful links##

  1. I declare myself fan of TED talks!
    Great examples of online education, it is very helpful to see it from different perspectives and to be able to compare how we see education from different locations, I didn’t know about the case in Africa mentioned in the second video, is such a terrible thing how can education can be so inaccessible to many people.


  2. Thank you for so many sources of online courses. I don’t like MOOC, as it let me sat alone and have no interaction with fellow learner. That was my terrible experience with MOOC.


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