[data 4] Guess of Online Shopping Trend

The dilemma  of online shopping is that, clothes are elegant enough with models images but when get them back home through delivering. Some of them don’t fit you, or the number of shoes are not appropriate.

The advantage of offline shop is able to try  directly, to feel how the shoes comfortable they are, whether appropriate or not, whether they are suitable for your style or not. Traditional business is able to touch the goods directly and feel them.

It is possible that using big data achieve transformation in the development of science and technology to a certain extent. Not only human senses of the data could be transformed into concrete figures, but also other way. It is a bit hard to express depend on my level of writing.

Show you an example.If there is a device box called ”R”, it can present a feeling of experience, more advanced technology than the projection, so that people directly see the results.

Searching for clothes in an online shop, clients open the link, through the device can be realized as follows:
1.You could know whether the clothes fit you or not. The device “R”read the physical data, and clothes projected onto the virtual portrait, real-time rendering of dressing effect.

2.You could touch and feel them. Each kind of goods have their own materials, physical data, through technology to every kind of goods are read. The texture could be felt through a reaction device, where you just like touching the true one.

I write down these fragment without reading any article or news. But it surprise me that there are some information about it when I have to find the images of this blog.


future shopping

17 thoughts on “[data 4] Guess of Online Shopping Trend

  1. I really like your blog post!
    I used to see news reported that this innovative technology is now available in US store but I am not sure is it available in UK or not.
    This kind of technology is a great start for people who love shopping. This encourage customers to have more engagement with the brand and create more activity to enjoy and fun.
    I think traditional offline shop are try to combine both online and offline method in order to boost offline sales and encourage shoppers to come to physical as before. As we already know in 21st Century, the trend of online shopping is increase significantly for many reasons.
    What do you think?


  2. A nice picture you’ve drew. The critical thing could be the data and information of a consumers body form. I ever heard a similar case from my friends. She works in a barbershop, and they ever introduced a system to customers that can match their image to different hair styles. However, the truth came out that the match is not natural and customer were not satisfied with the hair style (actually they looked weird than how they were shown on screen) they chose through the system. I’m not sure whether it will be the same case in shopping clothes or in superstore. But anyway, it worth a try.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The hybrid of technology utilize into retailing industry could be seen as a new trend. The most significant example that indicate physical store are combining online shopping element is that we can order through computer in store when the preferred cloth have no size fit us. Another example is the online orders could be collected in store.


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