[DATA 3]Prevent our privacy from “Periscope”

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden spoke at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. “Your rights matter,” he says, “because you never know when you’re going to need them.”

What I am writing now are being peeped by someone. Should I feel fear about that or calm myself down? Actually, I am not fear because I am doing nothing wrong with that. But, if some one watch me with “peephole” all the time, I can‘t stand it ! That is the point, is my thoughts wrong? Does it make sense even I am fear?

Consumers have different degree of attention for privacy information. In the process of installing softwares, there is a personal information access to the permission, but usually users would like to be directly ignored. Consumers are focusing the products and ignoring the outcome of leaking privacy. Analyzing from psychology, people care about the current need(products),and privacy have some effects in the subsequent process(in the future). And many people don’t pay attention to privacy leaking, because sometimes it is just a telephone harassment. But it does not affect the core of life. That is the outcome for the situation. But should we blame to the consumers ? NO!

Consumer always stand in the weakness side in the dilemma and they are getting a better service, such as having an accounting, it is more convenient to enjoy the better service. As you have an account in a video website, you could have extra rights. But in the the same time, you are leaking your personal information when have “free” right to do something.

Do you feel you personal information safety? Firstly, the privacy is managed by a system to store.Secondly, this system is managed by staff. Thirdly, the system can not ensure one hundred percent security, hackers or other companies for the third parties to attack and steal, customers are not prepared, or even don’t know that. Thus, we could not guarantee whether the system are concrete or not,we could not guarantee the staff sell these information directly.There is also a company failed to fully guarantee the long live, once the bankruptcy, the information is not treated in time, there must be a large area of leakage. This is a very weak side of the customer.

iris scan for security or identification. Eye with scanner and computer interface

iris scan for security or identification. Eye with scanner and computer interface

How to protect the privacy safe, how to create a harmonious environment?

It has to consider from fowling perspectives:

1.consumers 2.governments 3.companies 4.system

First of all, consumers must be consciousness that they have a right to prevent them from periscope and dangerous zone.

For governments, establishing a relatively peaceful system is a path to reduce the probability of these things happening. The system are relatively equal social, social stability of the high interests of the community. To create a relatively perfect legal system, human nature is the need to system constraints, the dark side will not be out of.

For companies,it can be a cross information system management which doesn’t allow one companyto take over your personal information. A special legal institution or third party companies to carry out regulatory work.

For the side of systems, through the characteristics of personal identification, fingerprint, eye recognition to protect your information security, meaning that your personal information into a “box”, and this box of information calls is required to get you and the merchant’s dual permission, such as you apply for account password reset, you need your personal information, businesses will send information to your phone, you can identify through the fingerprint verification by the phone or other devices.
The information security problem of big data is a big problem, it has direct influence on the arrival of the 4.0 age of industry and the future development is stable and appropriate. Some people say that industrial 4.0 is directly decided the competition pattern of the battleground in the next century.  This is the key to determine the future of the world pattern.

Edward Snowden TEDtalk,2014(https://www.ted.com/talks/edward_snowden_here_s_how_we_take_back_the_internet)

10 thoughts on “[DATA 3]Prevent our privacy from “Periscope”

  1. Hi Renly, first I would like to say I watched that Ted talk from Edward Snowden via the link you shared and I am still impressed about what he said.

    From my perspective, since it is really hard to change the way corporations run their businesses or the rules governments enforced, choosing an anonymous browser would be the most direct and effective way to protect us. And I know that some intelligent companies have already developed such browsers and accordingly offer the services to consumers. Based on that, some individuals are protected by these browsers because authorities or parties cannot find the evidence to sue them for some particular cases. This can also be applied into business world.

    I might go for these browsers one day 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Consumer is not at the weak side of a business. Actually, we are likely initiative. As there is no companies are forcing us to buy their products or services. Thus, if we are asking who is taking the main responsibility at the first place to protect personal data of customers must be customers themselves. As customer initiate the business transaction and the companies providing products, services and quoting. Consequently, what we can do is not stop doing anything, but to control what personal details could be given to the companies. Furthermore, in terms of customer data transportation, these data mostly be used for business purpose. I don’t think there is any personal offense will occur if you are one of the billions ordinary people around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ok,maybe you are right.but just a question, don’t you use facebook or youtube while lots of people use them around you. these things will leak your information, yap no companies force you to do it .


      • That is why I am talking about the customers should take the responsibility to protect their own personal information. They need to control what they are “leaking” to the social media or another online or even offline institution. My point is the companies should not take this responsibility.


      • my point didn’t focus on if the companies should take this responsibility, both of them should take their own responsibilities in this dilemma. It is fact that we,consumers we make a transaction with information for “free” or even “non-free” services/product. That is to say, no matter what you do, your personal information store in the “box” of companies. who will steal this box or open it , do you know that?


      • However, mostly these data would be used for business purpose not personal offense. Thus, customers who rationally “leaking ” personal informations do not have to worry about there are somebody spending time to find their data for hurting them.


  3. Thank you for your sharing. I really admire Edward Snowden. I think he is a real warrior or hero in the age which lacks privacy. But I have to admit that I have a paradoxical feeling about privacy. On the one hand, analyzing marketing data is not such horrible as America government did and we really need it to understand our consumers better. On the other hand, consumers actually do not like being watched and eager to hide their private information. When consumers are able to hold their privacy completely, maybe this is the end of analysis. I dont know the future but I am sure that I want to be a conscientious marketer.

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