[ADS 1]Is banner meaningless? NO!

I think it is a wonderful method of sharing our assignments(blogs) in the Facebook ground, because lots of ideas from my classmates could light my thoughts.  The most impressive article is wrote by MOHAMMED, talking about banners Are Web Banners Still Relevant? It shows“The global CTR average in the 1990s was at 3%, down to 0.23% by the year 2003 (Sun et al,. 2013), and in 2015 averaging around 0.1% (Chaffey, 2015)”.

Are banners still an effective tool for awareness? Do banners enhance user experience?

If there is a banner announce you that your dreaming shoes make 90% discount, will you hate the banner?We are conflict with advertising  because form ads are rigid, lack of creativity. Secondly, a large number of false, bragging ingredients, results in misleading and even hurting consumers.

In my views, banners would exist for a long period until the new attractive banners born. That is to way, banners are still meaningful to consumers and marketers. To understand banners easily, we could analyze it from the definition of adverting. Advertising is a form of media, and widely used to convey information to the public. The foundations of adverting are informing, persuading, reminding, strengthen information. Marketers invest fund in banners of websites or app for informing, persuading, reminding, strengthen information that we have new “products”. Although around 0.1% of consumers would be willing to click(Chaffey, 2015),there are till informing, reminding, strengthen information. As usual, there are several situations following:

  1. the consumers ignore them
  2. the consumers just glance them
  3. interest content and click them

Analyzing more specifically in the real world, the website banners just like ads in bus station, like a new taste Pepsi poster showing in the bus station. What we can learn from “glance”? Most of us will glance it, but would not go straight to buy one.However, there are some detail behind the “glance”

  1. Inform: there is a new product of pepsi
  2. Remind: pepsi is still here, not just coca cola
  3. Strengthen: for the fans of pepsi it can strengthen information that maybe they will try in the next time of shopping
  4. Inform: maybe you know pepsi for several decades, but pepsi would like your sons and your grandsons be familiar with them

Its value doesn’t show in the database; banner is the carrier delivering information.

“inform”, “remind” “strengthen” and “persuade”

The action of customers is influenced by different dimensional ways, and banners is a new trend of adverting comparing traditional ads.

Advertising is the main source of income, so they could afford users free content. IF NOT? Ebuzzing divided the cost (640billions) of the UK’s online advertising in 2013 (450billions), and the average value of each Internet users is $232.24, so if they want to enjoy the ads free network, it will need to spend more than $230 a year. Then the company investigated 1400 British Internet users, asking them if they would like to support more than 230 dollars for an ad free network, and 98% would not do it.

屏幕快照 2015-10-31 下午7.42.27

It is an option of google chrome. You could choose what contents you are interested in. Banners would more precision for the customers and useful. And after more complete Adverting Law of  Internet coming up, the environment of surfing Internet will be better.

If no banners? no ads?




Is the world going to be quiet?It is not quiet, it is monopoly, monotonous, dull and boring. Advertising is a kind of derivatives, and it can’t exist independently. Thus you can’t destroy the ads, unless you destroy the products. The only way to eliminate advertising is to deprive the right of choice. The era of the planned economy, non-staple food grain and oil purchase tickets, we all go to state store queues. Are there any brand publicity? Is the store advertised? Don’t need, because you have no choice.

5 thoughts on “[ADS 1]Is banner meaningless? NO!

  1. It’s interesting that you emphasise how banners are important to us. But you just assume that we really need or will be appreciated if we get information from banners. It couldn’t be better. But do you know there are many people who saw decades banners online that distract them from reading and typing. They could easily pop up or cover your focused content while you placing an order, posting comment, browsing website or other activities. Especially these banners are totally irrelevant to what you care. There are still lots of people suffer from these occasions. However, yes, we do need information to help us to make or enforce buying decision. But we only will be happy as the banners being placed on a right time and a proper place, if not, they will become junk information and distract people from smooth Net surfing. Admittedly, big data and clouding computing can gradually permit better banner promotion. But they still are minority. I don’t like web game. I don’t mean to book a flight. I don’t need any home textiles. But I cannot prevent them pop up or remove them while I am browsing a web page. As I think, to make banners useful and acceptable, there need a further optimisation.
    By the way, in fact, the possibility to see a banner pop up to you that informs your favourite shoes are 90% discounted is much much much much much much less than as you say it. 😀


    • 1.you said the banners border you, maybe you could look at ads of youtube. A shrewd marketers would not use the stupid method to border consumers.

      2.irrelevant content? no no no. as I showed above, you could choose the kind of ads in google chrome

      the ads are sent to you in the youtube according to your record in amazon..

      3. the example I gave about 90% has low possibility, the point is that you would like the ads–information contract to you interest content or products

      thank you very much for your nice comment


  2. Nice article. Agree with it largely. But if ads disappear like you showed in the pics will the world really become monotonic? The world was beautiful even when the ads were not present like 50 years ago in most places?


    • hahaha. My point is that ads stand for information which will promote human-being progress. I’m going to feel uncomfortable about the ad in the landscape and also very sick of the information explosion.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The banner nowadays is trying to embed the promotion or product information into our mind, by all means giving a impress to customer. However, they paid for the banner displaying to the apps, video and website owner. I agree with YU ZHAO’s blog, to some extent, this have driven the online content provider continue provide more valuable online content to internet user, as that is profitable from advertisers. Otherwise, if there is no banners allowed, the internet user paying for the content would be the factor of profitable of online providing. We are not hoping that happen.

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